OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019 Joint Post-Conference Workshop “Session-5 and Symposium-4” 「Theory and practice in dispersion control and process」 2019.10.28
OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019のSession-5 /Symposium-4、および日本化学会新領域研究グループ『分散凝集の学理構築への科学と技術戦略』の企画として、そのポストカンファレンス「Theory and practice in dispersion control and process」を開催します。ご連絡が大変遅くなり恐縮ですが、ご案内申し上げます。ご参加をお待ちしております。OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019に参加されない方でも参加可能です。
< Event Outline>
1. Date: 2019, 9th , November, 10:30〜17:00
2. Conference venue: Seminar Room B 250 in OIST Main Campus
Participation fee:free to join for this conference
3. Program (tentative / under construction)
Official language: English (including Japanese presentation)
・10:30 − 10:35 Opening remark
・10:35 −11:15 Invited Lecture 1:
“3D and 2D colloidal crystals of submicron-sized gold particles”
(Nagoya City University) Prof.Junpei Yamanaka
・11:15 − 11:55 Invited Lecture 2:
“Electrophoretic mobility of a colloidal particle with a slip surface”
(Tokyo University of Science) Prof.Hiroyuki Ohshima
・11:55 − 13:00 Lunch
・13:00 − 13:40 Invited Lecture 3:
「界面活性剤水分散液のレオロジー評価」 株式会社アントンパール・ジャパン 山縣 義文
・13:40 − 14:20 Invited Lecture 4:
“Dispersions of conductive metal nanoparticles/fine particles – recent progress”
(Hokkaido University) Prof. Tetsu Yonezawa
・14:20 −15:00 Invited Lecture 5:
”Experimental Approach for Determination of Hansen Dispersibility Parameter (HDP) of Nano/Micro Particles by means of Sedimentation Techniques”
(LUM GmbH) Prof. Dietmar Lerch
・15:00 − 15:20 Coffee break
・15:20 − 16:00 Invited Lecture 6:
“Acoustic and Electroacoustic Phenomena in Non-Newtonian Fluids”
(Dispersion Technology Inc.) Andrei Dukhin, Ph.D
4. Deadline: 31, October. Please make a registration via the following web.
5. Dinner: 19:30〜(in Naha)
Contact information: Hideya Kawasaki (Kansai Univ.) e-mail: